No matter what I’m chasing, I want to stack the deck in my favor as much as possible and any of the factors mentioned above can impact your hunt. But, I think when you start combining multiple factors your chances of filling your tag will increase significantly and the pull of the moon can be the ace up your sleeve.
Over the past 2 decades, I have witnessed the moons effect on big whitetails first hand. Mature animals, no matter what the species, act differently than the rest of the herd. The longer they survive, the smarter they get and daylight activity decreases the wiser these cagey old creatures become. Still, there are natural factors that can influence an older animal to move when they normally wouldn’t. Animals can sense when the weather is about to change, triggering them to become active. The gravitational pull of the moon is just another natural factor that impacts this movement. There are only a handful of days each month when the moon’s strongest pull occurs at primetime and this “Red Moon” period is your best window of opportunity!