Lunar Influences on Deer Activity — Deer Hunting
Adam Hays
Understanding the Connection Between Deer Movement and the Moon
Understanding the connection between deer movement and the moon, and why the MoonGuide works so well predicting big buck activity! Man has long understood the effects of the gravitational pull of the moon, even beyond the obvious like the earth’s daily rising and falling ocean tides. This gravitational force also has a profound effect on living creatures. Deer hunters have long looked for a connection between the moon and deer activity. Initially, they looked for a connection between the various phases of the moon and deer movement. However, this connection never seemed to pan out for hunters and, despite continued...
Adam Hays
Hunt The Red Moon - Plan Your Best Hunt Now for This Season
What’s the best week this year to plan my guided or out of state hunt? Well, that’s kind of a “loaded” question and can be difficult to nail down. Personally, I’ve enjoyed tremendous success the last decade planning my trips far from home
Adam Hays
Number 1 Hunting Strategy For Big Game by the Moon!
If you want to increase your odds for success on your big game hunt this fall, you had better take the moon into consideration. We all try and schedule our hunting excursions around factors like breeding season and the weather, but if you’re not including the moon’s effect on all animals, you should reconsider.
Adam Hays
The Perfect Storm
It seems the older they get, the fewer of these errors they make. After 4, 5 or even 6 hunting seasons, a mature whitetail buck has learned to stay put until the cover of darkness conceals his movements. So, if making an appearance in broad daylight is such a rare occurrence, what causes them to slip up on occasion and how can we predict when it’s going to happen?Outside of breeding season, it’s extremely difficult to catch a mature buck with his guard down. When monster bucks are on a strict feeding pattern, there’s not much reason or need...
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